It’s a Dog’s Life . . .
ME: OMG! You have already destroyed that toy!
DOG: So.
ME: It’s brand spanking new. You had it for only ten minutes.
DOG: And, so . . .
ME: They are not cheap. You just can’t go around destroying brand new toys,
DOG: I’m confused.
ME: Confused — by what?
DOG: Well, you say that we are each responsible for ourselves, right?
ME: True.
DOG: And that we must make our own choices right?
ME: True.
DOG: It’s nobody else’s business what we choose. Others cannot make those choices for us, right?
ME: That’s right.
DOG: You went to the store. You bought a toy for me. You came home and you gave it to me. It’s my toy.
ME: Yes, but . . .
DOG: Well, if it’s MY toy, and I make MY choice, to use MY teeth tear into MY toy, YOU don’t have the right to control MY body, MY choices, or MY things. right?
ME: But, umm . . .
DOG: Right?
ME: Open the wine.